Friday, January 31, 2020

Safeguarding Young People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Safeguarding Young People - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the world is changing and so are the people living in it. Every day we are bombarded with news of new technology evolving, new cures for the ailing and progress and research in every field. Unfortunately, the changing world has also given us a reason to fear for our safety. Since the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center, terrorism has become the ‘it’ word and our times has seen quite a few examples of terrorism already. The US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq has instilled fear of attack against all Muslim nations just because terrorism and Islam have time and again wrongly been used concurrently and many times interchangeably. However, the successes and concerns discussed above have all been on the Macro level. It is important that these successes and concerns be judged on an individual level too. At this microscopic level, we can find out lesser issues of life and the little reasons happiness. Scoring a good grade on a term paper might be the source of happiness for a student while family pressures may be a distressing factor. This paper aims to discuss these micro-level problems the youth face in that period from birth becoming young adults. â€Å"Today’s youth is tomorrow’s future†. This adage holds true since children of today will inevitably become important people in the future. Protecting and looking after them is not only a duty of the parents but also of the whole society. Sometime in the future parents will expect their children to look after them, and the society would want that the children take care of the society’s values and beliefs too. ‘Safeguarding’ is the term that is used to describe the caring and protection the youth need against the various harms and risks they unknowingly face each day. (Safeguarding, Page 257) The example in Activity 1 (page 257) helps us to discover the concept and meaning of ‘Safeguarding’. In the example, Carl is described as an outgoing person who hangs out with his friends. He is abused at home so he goes out with some street friends who are of the wrong type and so he gets involved into wrong activities as well resulting in his grades at school to drop. Evaluating this scenario we can say that everybody near him is at a risk of getting hurt. Hanging out with the wrong type of friends may harm the whole society. Being irregular at school and a source of getting bullied also poses risk to the school environment and other students. However a social worker would describe as Carl being at the highest risk. Domestic abuse, bullying, lighting a fire and abusive language are the risks that Carl faces in his life. He might be kicked out of school and since his parents don’t care about him, and end up with his hooligan street friends stealing to live his life and if he gets caught someday, he will end up in prison. This is how easily a person’s life can be destroyed if they are not safeguarded. Therefore it is our binding duty to protect such innocent children and show them the correct path to the future. Problems Faced Children usually perceive their problems to be connected with the broad domains of school, family and friends. These are usually the domains through which the children get to interact with others and learn. Problem such as domestic abuse may lead to pervasive and persistent damage to health. Family and social relationships will inevitably decrease and the child will become anti-social. Getting bullied in school may hamper the education capability of a person and can downgrade the emotional and behavioural development. The child then might just want to hide his social presence and not participate at all in collective activities that are prompted by the society. (Safeguarding, Page 258, 259) (Young People and Welfare, Page 1) It is observed that when young people are able to rid themselves from situations of harm, they make them vulnerable to a different sort of harm that is usually more dangerous. A child, who runs away from home since his father abuses and hits him, might adopt a more passive

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The link between the number of carbon atoms in a fuel with the amount of energy it releases :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

The link between the number of carbon atoms in a fuel with the amount of energy it releases Alcohols generally belong to compounds whose molecules are based on chains of carbon atoms. They usually contain one oxygen atom, which is joined to a carbon atom by a singular bond. This makes them different to other compounds. The oxygen atom is joined to the hydrogen atom as well as the carbon atom, which makes the oxygen a part of a hydroxyl group. These atoms are generally a part of a hydrocarbon chain. These alcohols can take away water from the body, in which a hydrocarbon chain has replaced a hydrogen atom. Alcohols have a general structure of CnH2n+1OH The aim of this investigation is to see the link between the numbers of carbon atom in a fuel with the amount of energy it releases. There would be a change in the amount of energy given off that is getting greater, the more carbon atoms in the fuel, the more there are more bonds to be broken and formed, thus producing more energy. ‘In a chemical reaction, bonds in the reactant molecule are broken and new ones are formed. Atoms are rearranged. Energy has to be put in to break bonds, and energy is given out when bonds are formed.’ When the total energy put in is greater than the energy put out, the substance cools down (it is endothermic). This is expressed as Ά +ve (delta positive). If the total energy put in is less than the energy created, then the substance warms up (it is exothermic). This is expressed as Ά -ve (delta negative). I will investigate eight different alcohols using an alcohol or spirit burner, to measure the energy change during burning them by measuring the change in temperature of some water held by a container. This container must have a value of specific heat capacity so I could calculate heat transferred to it as well. Probably the most conductive container available for use in the classroom is a calorimeter. As well as not wasting energy in the heating of the container, I could also try to stop heat from escaping the top and edges of the container by covering it with a fitting lid. I will try to prevent the wind from blowing the flames to a different direction so all the windows must be shut. HYPOTHESIS More energy is released as more bonds are formed, below is the list of approximate energy required to break and form all bond involved in burning alcohols TYPE OF BOND ENERGY REQUIRED TO BREAK THE BOND (j)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Explain Aristotle’s understanding of the Prime Mover Essay

Explain Aristotle’s understanding of the Prime Mover (25 marks) In Aristotle’s book the Metaphysics, he calls the cause of all movement the Prime Mover (P.M). The Prime Mover to Aristotle is the first of all substances, the necessary first sources of movement which itself is unmoved. It is a being which is eternal, and in Metaphysics Aristotle also calls this being ‘God’. However, before he came to know the existence of the P.M he first started noticing the constant changes around him, which led him to question the existence and the purpose of the world, universe and the things around us. He examined that everything that exists was in a permanent state of ‘movement’ or ‘motion’. By ‘motion’ Aristotle was linking it to the Greek word ‘motus’ which refers to change. He noticed that everything in the universe is in a state of change, for example, the weather and seasons are always changing. Even the human bod y is going through the process of change every single day. Everyday the body changes, we grow old and age, we lose hair and skin cells. This led Aristotle to observe four things: 1) The physical world was constantly in a state of motion and change. 2) The planets seemed to be moving eternally. 3) Change or motion is always caused by something. 4) Objects in the physical world were in a state of actuality and potentiality. Summing up from these four points Aristotle came to a conclusion that something must exist which causes the motion and change to occur without being moved itself and the ‘uncaused change’ must be eternal. Aristotle reached this conclusion by observing that if something can change, it exists in one ‘actual’ state and has the ‘potential’ to become another state, for example, an actual child is potentially an adult and a cow in a field is potentially a piece of roast beef. He realised that if things come to existence they must be caused to exist by something else and if something is capable of change that means it is potentially something else. He argued that behind every movement there must be a chain of events that brought about the movement that we see taking place, such as A to B to C and so on. However, he stated that this chain of events must lead back to something which moves it but does not move itself. Therefore the ‘uncaused cause’ must be different and separate from the rest of the chain inorder to start the whole process. So according to Aristotle the eternal cause of motion is the  Prime Mover. The Prime Mover causes the movement of other things, not as an efficient cause, but as a final cause. In other words, it does not start off the movement by giving it some kind of push, but it is the telos of the movement. This is important for Aristotle, because he thought that an effective cause, giving a push, would affect the P.M by the act of pushing and this could not happen because he thought that it would change the P.M’s knowledge. Aristotle believed the Prime Mover is the final goal of movement that is why it causes things to move by attraction in much the same way that a saucer of milk attracts a cat. The milk attracts the cat but cannot be sai d to be changed in the process. This is why Aristotle believed that the P.M is the source of all motion. To Aristotle the P.M is God (for this essay I will be refering to God as ‘He’). Aristotle believed that God exists necessarily, which means that God does not depend on anything else for it’s existence and is not capable of change because He is pure actuality by nature and its nature is good. He never changes or has any potential to change and Aristotle’s book ‘Metaphysics’ he states that God is ‘a living being, eternal, most goods†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ therefore He never begins and never ends, and so is eternal. Aristotle argued that the P.M had to be immaterial meaning it could not be made of any kind of stuff because matter is potential to change. So since it is immaterial, it cannot perform any kind of physical, bodily action, therefore the activity of the P.M must be purely spiritual and intellectual. Aristotle also concluded that God only thinks about himself; so he do es not know about our physical world, he does not have a plan for us and he is not affected by us because if He was then it would mean that God changes, because his knowlege would change. He even defines God as ‘thought of thought’. Overall Aristotle’s understanding of the Prime Mover is that He is God, the cause of all motion and in his book the ‘Metaphysics’ he considers God as a leader and in the order of the universe. How far is Aristotle’s concept of the Prime Mover consistent with the biblical concept of God? (10) (AO2) Aristotle’s concept of the Prime Mover and the biblical (Judeo-Christian) concept of God is in many ways very similar. However, they are also very different and varied. Yet both Aristotle’s Prime Mover and the biblical God share the same foundations- they are both eternal and responsible for change in the world. Judeo-Christian God creates the universe from nothing (creatio ex nihilo)  and Aristotle argued that nothing existed before the Prime Mover started the chain of causes. Also the Judeo-Christian God is an intelligent designer who crafts a purposeful world (e.g. the purpose of the star s = light). Aristotle also believed that the universe was a purposeful (telelogical) place: individual objects have a ‘telos’ (e.g. chairs = sitting) and the ultimate Final Cause is the Prime Mover. Another similarity between the two is that the Judeo-Christian God is immaterial because creation is an ‘act of will’ and God creates through his word (‘Let there be light’) or spirit. Aristotle’s Prime Mover is also seen as immaterial. It is a spiritual energy and not made of the same physical materials as the material world. Lastly, the Judeo-Christian God is seen in Genesis 1 as a transcendent God. It is the cosmic creator who is removed from the universe. It is an impersonal being. Aristotl’s Prime Mover is also transcendent and immaterial. It ‘moves’ things not throught involvement with them but through ‘attracting’ them. However, they are in many ways different such as the Judeo-Christian view of God is that He is in volved with His creation and is personal. For example, the biblical God answers prayers. Whereas the Prime Mover is the opposite because it is a necessary being but one who does not in any way interact and act in the world. It is a impersonal being. Also the Judeo-Christian God is not completely immaterial. In Genesis 3, God ‘walks’ in the Garden of Eden and in the New Testament, God becomes man in the human form of Jesus. This belief is known as the incarnation (‘God becomes flesh’). Jesus walks on the earth and experiences pain, temptation and eventually dies. This is very different to the idea of Aristotle’s Prime Mover who is a ‘spiritual’ and ‘immaterial’ being. So overall I think that Aristotle’s Prime Mover and the biblical God are the same because they share the same characteristics and the reason why is because the Prime Mover idea influenced medieval thinking about the nature of God.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Effects Of Public Safety On Our Nation On 9 / 11

Things that can interfere with public safety’s responding to a massive crisis like 9/11 No matter what the crisis is that will call for the response of individuals within the Public safety’s organization, someone will always find some m form of problem with how they responded to that crisis. One crisis that still bring up questions or debates as how the communication and the response affected our nation on 9/11. One would think that we could move away from that awful day, but it is still being judged, because of the loss of lives, the response time, property damage, and how the community was affected as well as the communities’ adjustment to life after that day. We can remove one of those question, because the communities will never be that same and they continuously fear another attack of their city. Life will never be the same after that day, and it â€Å"revealed that we lacked interoperable communication which severely hindered our response time and there was little cross discipline coordination, no framework in place to foster or create the ad hoc or ganization needed to respond to such a massive crisis† (Renaud, 2012, p. 2). Implemented to Assisting Public Safety Organization with Communication and Cooperation Since 9/11 our government has made some improvements by funding and integrating new and existing system to help with responding and communicating when there is a massive crisis. One of those systems that received funding is the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI),Show MoreRelatedLand Of The Fearful Or Home Essay1523 Words   |  7 Pagesthe beginning of time to our modern- day society, atrocious beasts have emerged in several shapes and sizes. One common characteristic monsters possess is the ability to create and instill fear in the hearts and minds of its victims. 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